Market House

It is thought that the original design for this building was a market house, erected for the purpose of housing cattle driven into the town on the ground floor, the upper floor being used as caretakers rooms with lodging for the drovers.

In the middle of the 17th century the building was converted into a dwelling house. In the 1838 Tithe Award the property is described as ‘House and Yard occupied by Robert Brooks’ who, in the 1839 Pigot Directory is mentioned as a Grocer and Tea Dealer. By 1854, James Crouch, Linen and Woollen Draper, occupied the premises.

By 1890, Caleb Soundy, Boot and Clothing Manufacturer, Draper & Tailor was trading there. It was owned by Wells & Co. with Biggleswade Brewery in 1898 and described as ‘A Messuage formerly called The Town Hall, situate near the Market Place, Biggleswade, with the Dwelling House, Shops, Sheds and Buildings. Let to Mr. Caleb Soundy, at £50 per annum’.

It was reconstructed in the mid thirties as ‘The Market House Cafe’ with shops underneath, leased to Joy Marsh, licensee of the Swan Hotel later becoming ‘The Market House Restaurant’ and now (1988) renamed ‘Wongs Cottage’.