Saffron Road Buildings

Building Plaques and Architecture

Here is a list of buildings with plaques on the walls and some of the architecture to be found in Saffron Road that two of our members have recorded and photographed for posterity.  Building details, unless given here, can be found on our Buildings page.



Saffron Road Cape Cottages

Houses 48-54
         “ Ellington

House 34
         “ Ivy Cottages 1903

Houses 40-46
         “ Orchid Cottages 1901

Houses 56-62
         “ Saffron Cottage JB 1894

House 1
South View 1897

Houses 5-15
         “ ‘illegible’ Villas 1903

Houses 36-38


         “ CLERK to the JUSTICES

Old Magistrates Court

Photographs by Chris Johannesen and Mollie Stocker – 2010.