Bullet points from the press
These are just the highlights from articles or announcements in the press as and when found.
They either relate directly to Biggleswade or have a close connection.
I shall be delighted to add any you come across but I must insist on having the full source reference with date and location of the original record – help to make it grow! Contact the Archivist through the contact page.
BC – Biggleswade Chronicle in Biggleswade library on microfilm
BNP – Bury & Norwich Post
BT – The Bedfordshire Times and Independent
EG – Evening Gazette – Middlesborough
EPNZ – Evening Post, New Zealand
ERA – The Era – London
GEP – General Evening Post – London
HT – Hampshire Telegraph and Sussex Chronicle etc
IJ – Ipswich Journal
JBG – E. Johnson’s British Gazette and Sunday Monitor – London
JOJ – Jackson’s Oxford Journal
LEP – Lloyd’s Evening Post – London
LG – London Gazette
LM – Leeds Mercury
LW – Lloyd’s Weekly Newspaper – London
MC – The Morning Chronicle – London
MENZ – Marlborough Express, New Zealand
NEMNZ – Nelson Evening Mail, New Zealand
NZT – New Zealand Tablet
O – Oracle – London
PA – Public Advertiser – London
PMG – Pall Mall Gazette – London
RCG – The Royal Cornwall Gazette Falmouth Packet, Cornish Weekly News & General Advertiser
SNZ – Star, New Zealand
TE – The Examiner – London
TMP – The Morning Post
TS – The Standard
TT – The Times
WA – World and Fashionable Advertiser – London
PA – Tuesday, December 10, 1776; Issue 13155.
To Be Sold By Auction, By Mr. Christie, At his Great Room in Pall-Mall, some time in January next. A Manor Farm, situate lying and being in NORTHILL, on the great North Road, within one mile of Biggleswade, a principal Market Town in Bedfordshire, lett on Lease to Mr. BRITAIN; five years of which are unexpired, at an old and very low rent of Fifty Pounds per Annum, at the expiration of which term the Estate will be capable of considerable improvement; and consists of a substantial good Farm-house, with Barns and suitable Out-buildings, etc. and One Hundred and Four Aces of Arable, Meadow and Pasture Land. The Estate is bounded on the one side by the Turnpike Road, and on the reverse by a navigable River. The Tenant will shew the Farm; and printed Particulars will be forthwith ready.
GEP – Thursday, June 19, 1783; Issue 7695.
LOST near Biggleswade, on Tuesday the 10th of June, A Small Brindled Grey-hound Bitch, answers to the name of SQUIB. Whoever has found her, and will bring her to Bleak-Hall, near Biggleswade, shall receive Half a Guinea reward, and all reasonable expenses.
GEP – Tuesday, June 28, 1785; Issue 8010.
Classified Ads.
BIGGLESWADE, June 20, 1785.
Whereas on Thursday the 16th Instant about Noon, a Fire broke out at BIGGLESWADE, in the county of Bedford, which, notwithstanding every exertion of the Inhabitants of that, as well as the neighbouring towns, in the space of four hours consumed more than One Hundred and Twenty Houses, Nine Malting Houses, many Stables, Barns, Granaries, and other Buildings, and the Dissenting Meeting-House: The whole of the loss, upon the nearest calculation, amounts to £22,500, of which sum £15,500 appears to be insured. The urgent distress of the poor sufferers obliges us to apply to the public for relief. It is recommended to such charitable persons, as are willing to contribute to this charity, to pay their Donations to Messrs. BLAND, BARNETT, HOARE, and HILL, Bankers, Lombard-street; Messrs. SMITH, WRIGHT and GRAY, Bankers, Lombard-street; Messrs. BIDDULPH, COX & Co. Bankers, Charing-Cross; and to Mr. Dennis HERBERT, Merchant, In Biggleswade.
Upper OSSORY, Philip MONOUX,
George OSBORN, George GIBSON,
William PYM, Matt RUGELEY,
Ja. HARVEY, James UNDERWOOD.MC -Thursday, August 18, 1785; Issue 5074.
{has a list of persons who have donated by that date, & the amount they gave.}
WA – Friday, July 6, 1787; Issue 161.
Monday morning last the following accident happened: The driver of Hunt’s Stamford waggon having been bit by a dog supposed to be mad, soon after day break he employed a man, who had frequently acted for him in the same capacity, to go forward with the carriage while he went to Potten (sic) to procure a medicine for preventing any ill effects from his wound: either through carelessness or some accident ( which is not known, as the occasional driver has absconded ) the waggon overset upon Biggleswade Bridge, and went into the River, together with the eight horses. The horses were recovered with little hurt: but the loss is considerable, the waggon being chiefly loaded with tea, hogsheads of sugar, and other goods particularly liable to be injured by water.
O – Monday, December 5, 1791; Issue 787.
By a Gentleman, who a few days go came through Biggleswade, we learn, that the inhabitants of that town had entered into an agreement, and that the instrument was generally carried from house to house to receive signatures, binding them not to use any kind of sugar with their tea, under a penalty of five pounds, during the present high price of that article.
LEP – Monday, June 22, 1795; Issue 5901.
A farmer at Biggleswade, in Bedfordshire, has arrived at perfection in the art of hatching ducks. He places the eggs upon wool, in a kind of stove erected for the purpose, the heat of which is carefully regulated by a thermometer. From the eggs laid by seventeen ducks he last year raised near five hundred young ones.
IJ – Saturday, December 27, 1800; Issue 3544.
Sunday, May 3, 1801; Issue 1122.
BIGGLESWADE, April 27. – Amidst the variety of demonstrations of joy for the unequalled victory obtained by Nelson, perhaps few places have excelled Biggleswade; this day, instead of an illumination, a subscription was opened for the relief of the poor, by which means upwards of eleven hundred persons were each supplied with a pound of excellent beef. At a time like this, when the distresses of the poor exceed that of any former period, and perhaps were never bourne with greater patience, such a benevolent undertaking does credit to those who first suggested the plan.
TMP – Thursday, April 28, 1803; Issue 10784
At Biggleswade Fair, on Saturday se’nnight, a puppet-show was brought into the town. The machine going upon four wheels, and being used also for the purpose of a dwelling-house, about one o’clock in the morning a fire broke out in the same, occasioned by a lighted candle within side setting fire to the bed, which burnt with great rapidity, and much alarmed the inhabitants round the market-place where it stood. The man who slept therein had just time to escape, without saving any thing.
The same article ran in the Bury & Norwich Post Wednesday, April 27, 1803; Issue 1087 with the editorial addition of: “Are not such idle strollers a nuisance to society and injurious to the morals and interest of the lower orders of the people, as their performances generally consist of the grossest ribaldry.”
BNP – Wednesday, May 04, 1803; Issue 1088
On Saturday se’nnight, about three o’clock in the afternoon, during the dreadful storm of thunder, lightning, hail, and rain, a ball of electric fluid fell upon a stable belonging to Mr. WELLS , brewer, of Biggleswade, and set fire to the same, but was prevented from doing further damage by the activity of the inhabitants.
BNP – Wednesday, August 24, 1803; Issue 1104
On Tuesday se’nnight died, aged 73, Mr Herbert, merchant of Biggleswade.
IJ – Journal, Saturday, February 20, 1808; Issue 3902.
The heavy fall of snow on Friday has, in many parts, rendered the roads wholly impassible, and so generally impeded the progress of travelling, that the letter-carriers were delayed on Saturday nearly 5 hours after their usual time of being dispatched. The fall of snow on the North road was particularly heavy, and in many places it was 40 to 50 feet deep. In the vicinity of Biggleswade, the Newcastle coach, and other coaches were stopped, and so completely involved in snow, that a great number of hands were necessary to extricate them. The gale was not so severely felt to the Westward. The Portsmouth coach lost its way on Friday, and was nearly overturned. Two female passengers were frozen to death on the outside. {We feel sure that the report should have read 4 to 5 feet deep!}.
MC – Saturday, August 31, 1811; Issue 13202.
SUN INN, Biggleswade. – C. P. CASS respectfully begs leave to inform the Nobility and Gentry travelling the Great North Road, that he has entered upon the above Inn, where he humbly assures them those exertions shall continue to be used for their accommodation, which, he trusts, will merit their patronage and support. N.B. An entire new Stud of Horses, and new Post Chaises.
JOJ – Saturday, February 1, 1817; Issue 3328.
Married – At Hitchin, Mr. Wm. TILCOCK, of Beeston, near Biggleswade, to Miss Charlotte CARTWRIGHT, of the former place.
JOJ – Saturday, July 12, 1817; Issue 3351.
Married – Mr. W. DANIELL, Master of the Academy at Biggleswade, to Hannah Maria, the eldest daughter of Mr. LANCASTER, merchant, Biggleswade.
JOJ – Saturday, September 13, 1817; Issue 3360.
Married – Mr. T. BURTON, of Sunderland Farm, to Miss E. MALDEN, of Biggleswade.
TMP – Friday, December 22, 1820; Issue 15528.
The following singular circumstance occurred a few days ago at Biggleswade:- A covey of partridges, seven in number, were very closely pursued by a hawk, into the brewhouse-yard of Samuel WELLS, Esq.,and flew with such violence against one of the maltings,that four of them fell dead upon the spot, and were picked up by the men at work in the yard; the other three were so stunned as to be unable to escape, and were taken by another person at a few distance. Their voracious pursuer made his escape uninjured.
MC – Monday, October 22, 1821; Issue 16383.
SIR ROBERT WILSON. THE COMMITTEE appointed by the ELECTORS of SOUTHWARK to promote a SUBSCRIPTION to INDEMNIFY SIR ROBERT WILSON, and place him ” above the reach of ministerial malice and vengeance,” beg leave to announce to the Public, that the following additional Subscriptions have been received:- Amount of Subscriptions already advertised £4,135 2s 0d City of Worcester First Subscription. List includes £1 1s 0d given by Benjamin. RYLAND, Biggleswade.
MC – Tuesday, August 19, 1823; Issue 16952.
SALE BY AUCTION – Great North Road; The SUN INN, Biggleswade; a Posting House of the first consideration, and Land adjoining: By Mr. Stanton, on the Premises, on Wednesday, the 27th instant at Twelve.
The SUN INN, at Biggleswade, in the County of BEDFORD, 45 miles from London, late the property and occupation of Mr. E. P. CASS, deceased; a POSTING HOUSE, in the highest reputation, which has for a century enjoyed the distinguished patronage and support of Nobility and Gentry travelling on the Great North Road, replete with every convenience for the accommodation of families of distinction, and which from its local situation and distance from London, as a sleeping house for families, and the superiority of accommodation must with able management ensure a continuance of the hitherto uninterrupted liberal support of the Public. Excellent and extensive stabling, coach houses, yards, barns, large kitchen garden, etc with every requisite for conducting the posting upon an extensive scale. At the same time will be SOLD, in Lots, about 22 acres of valuable PASTURE adjoining the Inn, and about 10 ( could read 16 or 18 ) Acres of Arable or Garden Land near the same: also a Plot of Garden Ground well planted. The purchaser of the Inn is to take by appraisement all the furniture, fixtures, plate, linen, stock of wine, spirits, etc., the horses, post chaises, hay, corn, straw, and other effects, on the Premises, and to take possession about Michaelmas next. Particulars may be had, and plans of the Estate seen, at the office of Mr. Times, Solicitor, Hitchin; at the Auction Mart, London; and on the premises; particulars may also be had at all Posting Inns on the Great North Road from London to York; at the Black Boy, Chelmsford; the Ram, Newmarket; Swan, Bedford; Half Moon, Hertford; White Hart, St. Alban’s; Bull, Royston; Red Lion, Cambridge; White Hart, Bath; Star, Oxford; The Rose, Sittingbourne; the George, Hounslow; and of the Auctioneer, Hitchin, Herts.
MC Saturday, November 1, 1823; Issue 17016.
SUN INN, Biggleswade; Wm. MITCHELL (formerly of the Angel Inn, Stilton ) respectfully acquaints the Nobility, Gentry, and Public, that he has lately entered upon the above old-established POSTING HOUSE, where he earnestly solicits a continuance of their patronage and support. The superior accommodations of the Sun Inn will be fully kept up; and from its quiet, respectable situation, it will be found particularly eligible and comfortable as a sleeping house. Genuine Wines and Liquors.
HT – Monday, November 21, 1825; Issue 1363.
The outhouses of the Sun Inn, Biggleswade, were burnt on Thursday, with eight horses.
JOJ – Saturday, October 31, 1829; Issue 3992.
Small-pox lately very prevalent at Biggleswade.
LG – Friday, July 6, 1832.
Bankrupt – J. KINGSLEY, Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, corn-factor.
MC – Saturday, November 2, 1833; Issue 20027
Sunday, about two in the day, Fairfield-house, near Biggleswade, was destroyed by a fire, evidently the work of an incendiary. It first broke out in the roof, and burnt, without intermission, until seven in the evening. The principal part of the furniture was saved. The house was erected about four years ago by A.E. GREGORY, Esq., late High Sheriff of the county, and has lately been purchased by R. LINDSELL, Esq., solicitor, of Biggleswade, who had not taken possession more than one month. The house was insured by the County Fire Office.
TE – Saturday, March 25, 1843; Issue 1834.
EXTRAORDINARY CHARGE OF MURDERS. – On the Lord Mayor taking his seat on Thursday, a young woman named Sarah DAZLEY, was placed at the bar. From the statement of Inspector BLUNDEN, of the rural police, at Biggleswade, it appears that the accused has resided for some length of time at Wrestlingworth, a small village about six miles from the former place, and was about to be married last week to her third husband, a young man named George WALDOCK – the bans having been already twice published in the parish church. In consequence, however, of an observation made by some person to WALDOCK, to the effect that the accused had already poisoned two husbands, and would, very probably, serve him in a similar manner, the young man demurred, and sought an interview with the clergyman of the village, to whom he communicated the circumstance. The matter soon got wind, and coming to the knowledge of the authorities, it was determined to disinter the body of the last husband, who died in October, 1842, and subject the remains to a medical examination. Finding this, the woman DAZLEY absconded from Wrestlingworth, as it was supposed, for London, whither, by direction of the coroner, Inspector BLUNDEN followed her, and succeeded in effecting her capture. A post-mortem examination of the body had been made, and in a letter received this morning, it was stated that large quantities of arsenic had been discovered in the deceased’s stomach. It was further suspected that the accused had been concerned in the death of her first husband, and also a child whom she had by him.
The object was to convey the accused back to Wrestlingworth, at which place the adjourned inquiry would take place. The prisoner, who throughout the proceedings maintained the utmost indifference, was then removed from the bar, and will be conveyed to Biggleswade.
LM – Saturday, July 29, 1843; Issue 5721
At the Bedford Assizes, on Saturday, Mr. Baron ALDERSON was engaged the whole day in the trial of Sarah DAZLEY ( 22 ) charged with the murder of her second husband, by administering to him a quantity of arsenic. The deceased died on 30th October in the last year, very suddenly; on his body being exhumed it was found that he had died from the effects of arsenic, and the evidence clearly proved that his wife was the guilty party. It did not appear that the parties lived otherwise than happily together generally; but on one occasion, about ten days before he as first taken ill, they quarrelled and fought with great fury, and after it was over she swore at him and told him “she would do for him some time or other.” The prisoner was strongly suspected of having poisoned her child, but the charge was not gone into, the Jury finding her guilty of the murder of her husband. The Judge forthwith pronounced upon her the extreme sentence of the law, holding out no hope of mercy this side of the grave. The Ipswich Journal of Saturday, July 29th 1843; Issue 5441 carries a more in-depth report, including the fact that her first husband ( named MEAD )and son ( a few months old ) were also exhumed, and the boy’s body contained arsenic. Her first husband’s body was too badly decomposed to confirm the cause of death. She had married William DAZLEY in January 1841. This paper also reported that ” the learned judge sentenced her to be hanged, and directed that her body should be buried within the walls of the prison.”
TT – Monday, May 13, 1844; pg. 3; Issue 18608
London and York Railway, via Lincoln, Capital £4,000,000, in 80,000 shares of £50 each, Deposit £2 per share. The Provisional Committee included Robert Lindsell Esq of Biggleswade and Sir John Burgoyne, Bart. Sutton Park, Bedfordshire with 66 others. Bankers included Hogg and Lindsell, Biggleswade. At that meeting the suggested railway route via Cambridge to the north was debated with the Hertfordshire/Bedfordshire route being proposed as a more viable alternative as it was 15 miles shorter. The company’s engineers were directed to survey that route.
TMP – Thursday, July 03, 1862; pg. 8; Issue 27626.
PHILLIPS – POWERS – On the 28th ult., at the parish church, Biggleswade, by the Rev. Charles G. DOWTON, Mr. George Griffin PHILLIPS, surgeon, of Minster, Thanet,( Kent ) to Ellen, only daughter of Edmund POWERS, of Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, Esq.
BT – 22nd March 1864
Atrocious Outrage WILLIAM CHESSUM (23), WALTER PRATT (29), JONATHAN ILLSLEY (22) and JAMES ROOK (24), of Biggleswade, were charged with committing a violent outrage on Susan Wootton, on the 5th of March inst.
Mr Abdy for the prosecution, and Mr Metcalfe for the prisoner. This case occupied four hours and many of the circumstances detailed were of a particularly brutal character.
The prosecutrix is a young woman living in Biggleswade, in a very humble station. Her mother is an inmate of the Union Workhouse and her father has been away for years, and she appears to have passed her life in poverty without friends to advise or assist, exposed to all the temptations consequent upon so unfortunate a position. Lately she has been obtaining a scanty subsistence at Biggleswade by straw plaiting. On Saturday evening, about nine o’clock , she left her lodgings for the purpose of selling her plait; and having received the money for her little stock, went on to her sisters, who is married and lives in another part of the parish, to see her sick child. After leaving her sister*s house she proceeded to return to her lodgings at Anchor-end. On arriving at the entrance of a dark lane leading out of the principal thoroughfare, she met four men, two of them were known to her, she had seen the others but did not know their names. The prisoner Chessum asked her where she was going, and she said she was going home. He said “Not yet my dear, you must go with me.” He seized hold of the prosecutrix, and assisted by the others, forced her down the lane. She resisted with all her might and called out, but they pressed their hands over her mouth and prevented her cries being heard. The conduct of the brutal fellows to the young woman was of a nature too disgusting to describe in the columns of our Journal. The prosecutrix reached her lodgings about a quarter past eleven o*clock with her bonnet bent out of shape and her apparel covered with mud and slush. On the following day she told police-officer Geary, who recommended her to go to a magistrate on the Monday. She followed his advice, and having told her story, warrants were issued, and the men apprehended. The examination of the men took place on the Wednesday and they were committed for trial. The prosecutrix and her witnesses underwent a close cross-examination, but the substantial facts stated by them were unshaken.
Mr Metcalfe made a very ingenious defence and called two witnesses who had not been before the magistrates, and the object of one of them appeared to be to present the prosecutrix as one of the most depraved and abandoned of females. Unfortunately, prosecutrix bore an indifferent character, and the shabby fellow seemed determined to make the jury believe she was ten times worse; but in attempting the unworthy task he overstepped the bounds of probability, and rendered his statement entirely unreliable. The prosecutrix was scarcely known to the police officer; he had made inquiries but the people did not seem to know anything about her, and her deportment before the magistrates and at the trial told much in her favour.
Mr Abdy replied upon the whole case, and made a very able and feeling address. His Lordship summed up the evidence with his wonted care and impartiality. He pointed out the facts which told strongly against the prisoners, and then contrasted these facts with the certain circumstances urged by the defence, as damaging to her character as a truthful witness. To give entire credence to the evidence brought for the defence his Lordship observed, they must come to the conclusion that the prosecutrix was the most abandoned of women, If the jury believed her statement the prisoners had been guilty of a most brutal assault.
The Jury deliberated for about a quarter of an hour, and then returned a verdict of Guilty of rape against all the prisoners.
His lordship said that he entirely concurred with the verdict. He had been very anxious that the jury should give due weight to everything advanced by the council for the prosecution as well as for the defence, as they were the persons to decide as to the facts. Prisoners found guilty of such a crime a few years ago would have forfeited their lives; fortunately the law had been altered, but it still punished persons by subjecting them to a long course of penal servitude. The four prisoners had been convicted of a most serious crime. Because a female happened to be unfortunate it did not follow that she was to be brutally treated with impunity. There could be no doubt she had been treated as she described; and for this offence the sentence was that the four prisoners should be kept in penal servitude for the space of twelve years each.
TS – Friday, April 21, 1865; pg. 7; Issue 12699
SMITH – On Easter-day, at Biggleswade, at the residence of her mother, the wife of Edward Thurlow Leeds SMITH, of Sandy, solicitor, of a son. {The marriage of Edward Thurlow Leeds SMITH to Sarah Ann Weston WESTON took place in Biggleswade Sept. Qtr. 1863 Vol. 3b Page 517}
LW – Sunday, November 17, 1867; Issue 1304.
TRIALS IN THE DIVORCE COURT. ( From our latest editions of last week. )
WARD v. WARD. – This was a wife’s petition for dissolution of marriage. The petitioner was the daughter of a baker at Biggleswade, in Bedfordshire, and she married the respondent, who was whip to a pack of hounds in June 1858. It was proved that her health had been injured by her husband’s treatment during the cohabitation, and that since he separated from her he had been living with another woman at Cheltenham. – Decree nisi, with costs. {N.B. The marriage was registered in Biggleswade June Qtr 1858 3b 571 between William WARD and Sarah Loader BOND. On 1861 census, Sarah is with her parents, John & Mary BOND, & brothers John & Charles BOND, & her 9 month old son John Bond WARD, in Hitchin Street, Biggleswade.}
JOJ – Saturday, June 18, 1870; Issue 6112.
On Tuesday evening an inquest was held at Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, on the bodies of Thomas BASTON, carpenter, and Ann LARMAN, an unfortunate, who were killed upon the Great Northern Railway, on the previous night. The pair were attempting to cross the line near the station about midnight but were checked by the passing of a local luggage train. They stood on the down metals to wait till they could pass, and were caught by a fast Manchester luggage train which runs through without stopping. The driver’s attention was attracted by some broken glass flying into his face; the train was stopped, and one of the lamps was found smashed, and covered with human hair and blood. The party who went in search found some fragments of female apparel, then a woman’s hand, and further on her head, ghastly and completed severed from the trunk. A little further on the mangled corpse of the man was found, with the skull staved in, and the feet cut off. The remains of the woman’s body were scattered in all directions, but were collected as nearly as possible and placed in the porter’s room. The Jury returned a verdict of ” Accidental death ” and advised precautions to make the level crossing less dangerous. The deceased woman lived in the locality; BASTON’s relatives reside at Oxford.
EG – Wednesday, March 06, 1872; pg. 3; Issue 546
One Thousand Pounds Damages In A Breach Of Promise Case. At Hertford Assizes, on Tuesday, an action for breach of promise was brought by Miss Fanny KEY, a daughter of the manager of Mr. WELLS’ brewery at Biggleswade, against Mr. John Edmund POWERS, an extensive miller, of Biggleswade. The promise was admitted, and a verdict carrying costs was entered for £1,000 by consent.
TT – Wednesday, Jul 24, 1872; pg. 11; Issue 27437; col E
NORFOLK CIRCUIT. BEDFORD, July 22. Crown Side. – ( Before Mr. Justice KEATING. )Reg. V. WILDMAN.
The defendant was indicted for obstructing a highway by placing a theatre upon one corner of the market-place of Biggleswade. The proceedings were taken in order to try the right of way. Mr. BULWER, Q.C., and Mr. GRAHAM prosecuted; Mr. NAYLOR defended. The market-place in question is part of the manor of Biggleswade. The real defendant was the grantee of the market, whose predecessors have been accustomed to levy tolls upon the persons occupying stalls and standings on market days. The whole surface of the market square with an immaterial exception, has, time out of mind, been repaired by the parish. Of comparatively late years Biggleswade has been from time to time visited by strolling menageries and other shows, and the proprietors of these entertainments have been referred for permission to occupy parts of the square to the collector of the market toll. The grantee of the franchise has, accordingly, often received money in return for permission to use parts of the market square on other than market days. A short time ago the defendant, on payment of money, obtained leave from the same quarter to erect his theatre in one corner of the square. The theatre was fixed to the soil. The grantee of the market claimed, on his authority to give such permission being
ERA – Sunday, March 12, 1876; Issue 1955.
Wanted, to open at once, a Good HEAVY MAN, for R. WILSON’s Ghost Entertainment; must be steady and respectable on and off the stage. Address,Town Hall, Biggleswade.ROWLEY. It struck him in the eyes, the wound bleeding profusely. ROWLEY then went into the school-room, followed by HILLS, who rushed at ROWLEY with an old table-knife. ROWLEY held up his hand to protect himself, when he received a severe blow from the knife, which inflicted a great gash on his hand. ROWLEY fainted twice and a doctor had to be immediately sent for to dress the wound. HILLS was brought before the magistrates and committed for trial.
PMG – Friday, September 3, 1880; Issue 4846.
Marriage – At Biggleswade, Mr. Alexander D. FRASER, of the Bank of England, to Sarah TAYLOR, daughter of Mr. James TAYLOR, late of Biggleswade. Aug. 31.
ERA – Saturday, August 30, 1884; Issue 2397.
EXCELSIOR THEATRE, BIGGLESWADE. WANTED, OLD WOMAN, Responsible Couple, and Lady for good Parts (Dancer preferred). Terms, checked share. Can open at once. G. BARNES.
ERA – Saturday, August 21, 1886; Issue 2500.
WANTED, for Excelsior Theatre, Biggleswade, Beds., for Portable Theatre, Entire Company (with few exceptions), Singing, with Dancing Turns between, etc. Terms shares; extra for Singing and Dancing. G, BARNES, as above.
SNZ – Issue 6447, 17th January 1889, Page 2.
MARRIAGE – MOFFAT – PAPPS – At the Church of the Good Shepherd, Phillipstown, by the Rev. H. J. C. GILBERT, John MOFFAT, eldest son of Adam and Sarah MOFFAT, Botanic Nurseries, Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, to Annie, second daughter of Edward and Elizabeth PAPPS, Trowbridge, Wiltshire.
PMG Saturday, May 23, 1891; Issue 8166.
Influenza is very prevalent in Bedfordshire. At the Biggleswade workhouse there are 35 cases under treatment.
MENZ – Volume XXV111, Issue 256, 28 October 1892, Page 2.
A SPENDTHRIFT YOUNGSTER ( United Press Association.) London, October 26. Mr. Herbert BARING, son of Viscount BARING ( who represented Biggleswade in the last Parliament ), is defending an action brought against him for recovery of gambling debts. It was shown in evidence that he spent £20,000 before he attained his majority.
EPNZ – Volume XLV1, Issue 140, 12 December 1893, Page 2.
INDIAN FINANCE. [ Special ] London, 10th December. In the House of Commons, Mr. George W. E. RUSSELL, member for Biggleswade, has introduced a Bill empowering India to borrow £10,000,000, as the closing of the mints has reduced the value of bills.
IJ – Saturday, July 18, 1896; Issue 9558.
Marriage – 8th July, at the Wesleyan Chapel, Biggleswade, Walter Pallant DENNY, fourth son of the late Mr. William DENNY, Southwold, Suffolk, to Fanny, second daughter of Mr. James PHILLIPS, Market Square, Biggleswade.
SNZ – Issue 5918, 9 July 1897, Page 3
A widow named ROGERS has died in Biggleswade workhouse, aged 105. Many years of her life were passed tramping about the country as a hawker.
ERA – Saturday, July 31, 1897; Issue 3071
Biggleswade Arcadia Theatre of Varieties. – Proprietor, Mr. Horace WHITMEE. – The pieces announced for this week are :- ‘Twixt Axe and Crown, Brought to Justice, Model Prison, May and December, Dumb Man, Shamus O’Brien, and Annie Rooney.
ERA – Saturday, August 21, 1897; Issue 3074.
BIGGLESWADE. ARCADIA THEATRE OF VARIETIES. – Proprietor, Mr Horace WHITMEE. – On Monday “The Woman of the People” was played. On Tuesday Mr. Ceril CRAVENS, the acting-manager, received a benefit, when “Poor Jo” was capitally performed before a full house. “The Ticket-of-Leave Man” and “Cartouche” complete the bill-of-fare for this week.
ERA – Saturday, August, 28, 1897; Issue 3075.
BIGGLESWADE. ARCADIA THEATRE OF VARIETIES. – Proprietor, Mr. Horace WHITMEE. – A continual change of programme is offered to playgoers this week. The local football club gave their patronage on Thursday, and on Wednesday as an additional attraction a singing contest was held.
ERA – Saturday, September 18, 1897; Issue 3078.
Mr Harry HUGHES, comedian, aged 46 years, who has been engaged at the Arcadia Theatre of Varieties, Biggleswade, since June, met with an untimely end on Sunday last. He was seen on Saturday in good health, and on Sunday morning was discovered by his landlord a the bottom of the staircase with his neck broken. It is supposed that he must have been dead two or three hours before being discovered. An inquest was held on Monday, when a verdict of accidental death was returned. The burial took place on Friday at Biggleswade Cemetery.
BT – 06 Jun Peace – About three o’clock on Monday morning the town was aroused by “Dan’s” Buzzer and some thought it to be an alarm of fire. The glad news of Peace, at last South Africa puts all the other events of the week into the shade (The reference to Dan means Dan Albone and his works buzzer)
NEMNZ – New Zealand Volume XXXV111, Issue 125, 6 July 1904, Page 4
FATALITIES, LONDON, Yesterday. Sir W. H. RATTIGAN, M.P. for North East Lanark, has been killed while motoring at Biggleswade.
TT – Saturday, Jan 06, 1906; pg.13; Issue 37910; col D
Frederick Charles KITCHINER appealed against a conviction by Mr. d’EYNCOURT, and against a sentence of one month’s hard labour, for causing a horse to be cruelly ill-treated. Mr. GRAIN appeared for the Treasury in support of the magistrate’s decision; Mr. R. D. MUIR was for the appellant. The appellant was a market gardener at Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, where he was a member of the urban district and county councils and a guardian of the poor, and he was also the owner of a carman’s and contractor’s business at John-street, Caledonian-road, Islington. On November 17 a horse belonging to him and used in connexion with his London business was stopped in the Euston-road while drawing an empty cart, which had been used to carry mud. It was suffering from ossification of the bones of both fore feet and one hind foot, was very lame, and only fit to be slaughtered. For the appellant it was contended that he knew nothing about the matter and was not responsible for the horse being sent out to work; but the conviction was affirmed, with costs. The penalty, however, was altered to a fine of £5.
NZT – 5 August 1909, Page 1221
MARRIAGE – MURPHY – COUSINS. – On July 14, at St. Patrick’s Church, Palmerston North, by the Rev. Father COSTELLO, Charles, fifth son of Mr. Denis MURPHY, Victoria, to Marie Theresa, only daughter of Mr. F. B. COUSINS, of Biggleswade, England, and eldest grandchild of the late Michael MURPHY, of Dunstan, Otago.
TT – Monday, Nov 29, 1937; pg. 14; Issue 47854; col E
86 YEAR-OLD DONKEY – A donkey reputed to be 86 years old, named Jenny, owned by Mr. F. W. Western, of Holme, Biggleswade. Bedfordshire, has just died. She formerly belonged to Mr. H. M. Lindsell, of Biggleswade, and made her last public appearance in Biggleswade 10 years ago when she took part in a tableau representing ancient and modern Biggleswade. On reaching the centre of the High Street she stopped and refused to move. Traffic was held up and eventually Jenny had to be lifted into the yard of an hotel, where she stayed the night.
BC – 17 Aug Ron Aggett’s destroyer model, no boating lake in Biggleswade, lived 11 George St
BC – 30 Nov Biggleswade bypass to cost £456,000
BC – 30 Nov Mr H Drysdale died in Kent – was photographer for many years on the corner of
Hitchin Street and Market Square
BC – 27 Nov Rev Mark Lund died aged 68
BC – 07 Jul
Adverts include:
Mantles (with a Berkeley Europa in sound condition £150, Bryant’s,
Charles Elphick, Larkinson (Fancy Goods), Nicholls Store(68a Stratton Way), H. Gale
Ernest Huckle (florist) 11 Market Square, Espresso Coffee Bar 58 High Street
Ellis & Everard, Bryan F. Sims (joinery) 4 Banks Road
Lock up garage to let in Eagle Farm Road apply 41 George Street
Police Officer (married) requires a flat or small house.
Mid-Beds Labour women rally (Doris Brunt, secretary)- photo.
Mrs Lilla Vickers died 29 June, 85 Lawrence Road, widow of Harry Vickers,
mother of Mr H.W. Vickers and Miss G. Vickers.
Weatherley Oilgear Ltd announce a merger with Charles Churchill & Co Ltd.
The Town Band yo give a concert on Market Square Sunday evening July 9th.
British Legion supper tickets from Mrs Haddow.
A party of schoolchildren arrived from Copenhagen on June 29 on an exchange.
BC – 22 Nov Larkinson’s fancy goods store on the High Street is bulldozed
BC – 17 Oct Chances of a Biggleswade museum are declared remote due to lack of Council support